IT (2017) Movie Review

IT(2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Pennywise is back and I'm here to give you my thoughts about IT's latest endeavour. So, as much as I liked the 90's version and as much as I enjoyed Tim Curry's performance as Pennywise, this version takes it up a notch, on the scare factor, performances, special effects, sound design and soundtrack but keeping the whole coming of age theme fresh, emotional and full of heart, emphasizing the word "together" because working together and keeping the friendship alive can you defeat one of fiction's greatest villain. And, if I didn't convinced you in what I said so far that I loved this movie, well I'm saying it. I LOVED IT! It's a darker take on Stephen King's narrative and it's way more scarier than the 90's version. This is the adaptation than I was waiting for and it can satisfy not only Stephen King and horror fans but also movie goers of any type and that is the beauty of this movie. It's a great horror movie but it is also a excellent movie and coming of age story. Some say that the problem with this movie is that resembles "Stranger Things" but that TV show was inspired by Stephen King's novel and other coming of age movies from the 80's like "Goonies", "Sand Lot" and "Stand By Me", which is also Stephen King. And speaking of the 80's, it was a good move to change the time period from the 50's, like it was in the book and the 90' version, to the 80's because that is the trend now. And it gives for those who lived in the 80's a bit of nostalgia, which is nice. Performance wise, all of the actors were brilliant. The kids were excellent from top to bottom and Bill Skarsgard makes for a nightmarish Pennywise, in a good way. All my respect to Tim Curry but Skarsgard took this character and make it his own vision, more creepy, silent and more menacing. It's like the supernatural version of the Joker. Speaking of that, the laughter of Pennywise sounds similar with Heath Ledger's Joker and why I'm saying this is because Heath Ledger took the Joker character from Jack Nicholson and make it his own version and that is exactly what Skarsgard did with Pennywise. An excellent performance! Plus, I was surprised at the amount of humor that was in this movie. And good quality humor, which was helpful with the rest being dark and grim. There are some scenes that are very disturbing and troublesome, even from the beginning. Loved the atmosphere, in tone with the book, the soundtrack and sound effects were awesome, giving the movie a plus of eerie and sinister. There are some bits that are a bit confusing but it's just nitpicking at this point. Andy Muschietti, who also did "Mama" in 2013, a good horror movie, crafted an impressive take on this beloved novel, made it frightening and the same time very emotional and full of heart. Cannot wait for the sequel! 2019 is still far but IT is returning! Overall, see this in theaters! It's a great experience, which I may repeat and it impressed the hell out of me! 9.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, I'm not sure but it's going to be something. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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