Isle of Dogs (2018) Movie Review

Isle of Dogs (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today, I am going to talk about the latest Wes Anderson movie and, I gotta say, I very much enjoyed this movie because, from the first scene of this movie, you can tell that this is a Wes Anderson film because of the whimsy, quirky and sort of weird style that he uses in all of his movies, a style that is different, in a good way, from other directors. Which is good because whenever Wes Anderson makes a movie you are guaranteed originality in story, visuals, humor and characters. And that is exactly what we got with this one, as well.

Anderson is no stranger of stop-motion animations, with the Fantastic Mr.Fox under his belt, another astonishing and groundbreaking movie and this is as amazing as that one was. The visuals are amazing, with an animation that looks beautiful and stunning and a story that is endearing and charming. And I know that the CGI animation is amazing but this style, stop-motion, is on another level. The voice talent that is performing here is great, as always because Anderson always an amazing cast for his movies, only grad A actors, some of whom worked with Anderson on his other movies.

It's running time is just below and hour and a half which is very good because that is the exact amount of time for this story. There isn't a dull moment in this movie and if you are invested in the story you can enjoy it but I must advise that this movie is not for everyone, as all of Anderson's movies. That is the only negative thing, if we can call it that, that I can say about this movie.

Overall, I consider this one of Anderson's best, story wise and if you don't appreciate the story, which I cannot see why you won't, there is enough humor, good humor but subtle that can get you by. I strongly advice that you watch this movie though! 8.5/10


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