Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Movie Review

Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, as you know, from my review, that I really enjoyed the first movie and I was really entertained by the sheer action and special effects. With the sequel, I did not get quite the same feel but I was entertained enough to give this one a pass. 

The thing that disappointed me is that it has nothing new to offer, that you haven't already seen in the first one. The story is almost similar, it boroughs stuff from other movies, like Ender's Game for example, it has the cliches specific for the genre, making it predictable and without any surprises whatsoever. The characters are cliched and typical and that means that the movie has a very big lack in originality.

Except for what I just said, the movie makes up those mistakes in the action and special effects department, although you don't get a lot of kaiju vs. yager fights. Oh, and another thing that I noticed is that the robots look more slick and new. The thing with the first movie is that you can feel the weight and sheer size of the robots. The feeling in this one is almost completely gone. The robots do look big but it's not the same. 

Overall, I still enjoyed the first one more and, if they a third one, which I highly doubt it, make it a bit more original. 6/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up, another overdue movie. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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