Red Sparrow (2018) Movie Review

Red Sparrow (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, here is another movie that I saw a couple of months back but I did not have time to do a review for it and now I got the time but barely.

So, when I saw I was expecting a good, sexy and thrilling spy movie but I did not got any of that because this movie it's just all over the place. It was trying to achieve that higher note but, unfortunately, it fell short. Although Jennifer Lawrence does a very good job, it's just not enough to make this movie what it should have been. It's just average. There are characters that are very thinly written and it has a very convoluted story, which makes most of the movie to be boring and incapable of keeping you invested. Plus, it's long, to long that it should have been. 

To be frank, I was expecting to see the unofficial movie with Black Widow because the backstory of the main character is very similar to that of Natascha Romanoff but, judging the fact that we are going to get a standalone movie with Black Widow, you can put this one in your rear view mirror and not look back. 

Overall, I was let down by this one, even with the charismatic performance of James MacAvoy. Also, there is no chemistry between the actors, which is never a good thing. I can strongly recommend Atomic Blonde instead of this. I can put this one on Jennifer Lawrence's bad movie list, alongside House at the End of the Street. 5/10


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