The Strangers (2008) Movie Review

The Strangers (2008) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, I saw the second movie a while back, which I will review also. Because of that, I thought that it's fitting to give you a review for the first one as well. 

When I saw this one, for the first time, I had a pretty good opinion about it. Seeing it again, that opinion slightly changed and I will tell you why. The main reason is that, being part of the slasher genre, you would expect that, maybe, just maybe, you will get something new and fresh but you don't. It contains the same tropes and cliches of the other movies in this genre. Granted, there is some suspense and some tense scenes that you can enjoy and, being based on a real life case, it's more grounded in reality than other movies like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween but, like I said, it does offer anything new. Acting wise it's OK, both Liv Tyler and Scott Speadman are believable and the chemistry between them is good.

Overall, if you want something fresh and new, this is not the movie for you but it's enjoyable. 6/10


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