Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018) Movie Review

Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! For today, I have the latest in the MI franchise which, by the way, is at it's 6th movie. Well done! A few more and you can surpass the Fast and Furious franchise. Just kidding. Love those movies and this ones, in particular, this one. I said that Ghost Protocol is my favorite but, now, I am kinda leaning to Fallout. Let me tell you why is that.

Well, it just feels different from all the other movies in this franchise. It has a sleek and stylish look to it, it's full of excellent set pieces and, you would think that, in a franchise that is jam packed with all these set pieces, action sequences and incredible special effects, the public would be saturated. Well, in this case, you'd be wrong because, not only does this movie contains a lot more action sequences, special effects and fighting choreography than the others but, it also manages to not get overly saturated and bloated.

The movie is long, the longest in the series so far and you feel that as time goes by but, fortunately, it is worth the almost 2 and a half hours of seeing Tom Cruise perform his trademark do your own stunts. In this one, he is doing that and then some.

While in the other movies, you have, maybe one or two dangerous and life threatening stunts done by Cruise, in this one, you have a bunch of them and you can even see the one in which he brakes his leg. It was a good thing keeping the exact moment of his injury because it gave you a sense of reality.

Also, good use of some great humor and some very good twists and turns in this movie, although, some of them were a bit predictable but that is just nitpicking at this point.

Overall, I knew that this movie is going to be good but I never thought it was going to be this good. It has a very dramatic feel, a feel that the other ones did not quite capture. Great action, excellent effects, great camera work, especially in the chopper chase and, also, with the car chase, which is incredible by the way. Don't get me starting on the sky dive scene because that is truly impressive work. Great humor, good tension and suspense, very well captured and the music helped also, elevating that feel and a very fast paced rythm. From my part, I think that this one, so far, is the best one in the series, slightly on top Ghost Protocol. 8.8/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. In the following days and, I think weeks, I am going to post some reviews of some movies that are a bit overdue. A couple of months overdue, to be precise. On that note, take care and keep on reviewing!


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