The Hurricane Heist (2018) Movie Review

The Hurricane Heist (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, this movie is not one of the movie that I missed but it's a movie that I wanted to see and I don't know why is that because this is just not good. 

What can I say about this movie is that I liked the main idea, combining the disaster movie genre with the heist movie genre. And this is the single positive thing about this movie. Other things, which are not so positive, are as follows: the main plot does not exist or is very simplistic and, if that is the case, it makes no difference; the script is awful, with lines of dialogue that are just plain stupid and felt that it was written by a 5 year old; it's so predictable that you can guess what will happen next, so the tension and suspense are gone, which, actually, it wasn't even any suspension or tension to begin with; it offers nothing new expect for the main idea of the movie, which has some originality to it; acting wise, except for Maggie Grace and Toby Kebell, is not very good, average I might say. 

The main problem of the movie is that being a movie about a hurricane, you would expect some awesome action and some great special effects but, unfortunately, you get none of that, with one exception: the hurricane looks awesome, amazing and threatening. Rest of the movie feels dull and effortless. All my respect to Rob Cohen, that did the first Fast and Furious movie and the first XXX but, with this one, for me, was a miss.

Overall, the movie is a reminder of those action movies from past years but, people will wonder why they stopped making them and, unfortunately, the answer will be before their eyes. 5/10

OK guys, that is the review for today. Next up, will be the new Tomb Raider. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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