The Darkest Minds (2018) Movie Review

The Darkest Minds (2018) Review

Hello again guys and here is a review that I was not planning on doing today but I said, what the hell! So, when I heard about this movie and I saw the trailer, I told myself that this is not something new, it's the same thing that I have seen in other YA adaptations like The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner series. Then I saw that it's going to have some sort of mutant story, like an X-Men type of thing.

Well, I can tell you that this is exactly what I got this movie. The same tired and unoriginal story mashed with an X-Men premise that felt like a deja-vu. It's like they borrowed things and elements from those series and put them into this because I have seen some elements from the other YA adaptations, the X-Men movies and a bit of The Walking Dead also. The characters are just the same, the interactions with other characters are rushed and brushed over, the dialog is awful, some of the lines are just illogical but the reason, I think, is because the script has to be awful. 

I expected to see some not great, but fairly good action sequences but, alas, I was disappointed again with this aspect the movie, amongst the other aspects. The movie is also boring and the romance feels forced and natural at all.

Overall, it does nothing to differentiate itself from the other YA movies and it offers no originality whatsoever. A bloody waste of time, money and talent, if you ask me. 5/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. My other review will be on The Meg and another past due movie. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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