The Meg (2018) Movie Review

The Meg (2018) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Well, today I am talking about a movie about a shark, a guy that encountered this shark and does not want to get back into the game but of course he does come back and a team that tries to kill the shark. Sound familiar? Well, it should because this movie has the same elements that any other shark or monster/creature movie has, going back to the one that started it all, Jaws.

So, you can throw Jaws in here, a bit of Deep Blue Sea, some 47 Meters Down and The Shallows. There is nothing new with this movie, it's full of cliches, specific of this genre, it's predictable, most of the time, the humor is not working, the most part of the movie and some of it feels forced and unnatural, some of the situations that the characters find themselves into fall into ridicule. There is some drama but it's so over the top and pointless that you get feelings of cabin fever instead of real emotions. And some of the characters are so annoying that you would wish the shark would eat them. So, judging by that, the script sucks plus, another evidence pointing to that is the dialogue, which contains some of the worst lines I have ever heard in a movie.

Well, saying all those negatives, you would think that I hated this movie as I did with The Darkest Minds because the only good thing from that movie is, actually, the song from the trailer, Revolution by Ruelle. Getting off track here. Well, I did not hate this movie, despite what I said because I had fun. The action sequences are good, the interactions between the shark and the characters are the highlight of this movie, there is some good humor, here and there, it's not all bad and Jason Statham rocks man. He is one of the best things in this movie. And Cliff Curtis. Plus, the shark looks amazing. Not all the time terrifying but, when it needed to be, it's there. 

Overall, it's good summer dumb fun shark movie but if you are looking for something original, look elsewhere. If you wanna have fun, go to this one. Plus, the 3-D helps. 6/10

OK guys, this is my review for this one. Next up, Skyscraper. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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