Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Review

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews. So, the second Avengers movie was not that good as everyone expected and clearly it's not that fresh like the first one. But, having new additions to the cast and the team and a menacing villain, the movie does not disappoint in terms of entertainment and action. Yes, the movie is a bit overstuffed with exposition and characters but it looks good, sounds good and it delivers. The director decided to give Hawkeye a little bit more screen time and made him a character that, despite the first movie, was indispensable and a very important member of the team. Joss Whedon gave him a backstory and focused on his family as well. And I think that was a good idea because, like Aquaman from DC, Hawkeye is seen, from the fans perspective, as the weakest of the group. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, though I prefer the version from the X-Men movie and Vision are great additions to the group. Ultron, as a villain, was OK. Of course, the voice of James Spader made him a worthy opponent. The battle at the beginning, the one between Hulk and Iron Man and the one at the end are good enough reasons to see this movie. It's not the best Marvel movie or sequel but it will keep you entertained. 8.2/10


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