Rules Don't Apply (2016) Movie Review

Rules Don't Apply (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! No Korean movies today, just a boring Warren Beatty movie, if you can imagine and a rather surprisingly good Romanian movie. Listen, I have the greatest respect for Mr. Beatty but this movie that he directed and written is not good. First of all, is way freaking long, it's boring most of it, apart from some moments that are funny and enjoyable. It opens rather well but then it turns out to be another Howard Hughes movie. Which we already got with "The Aviator". So I did not need that. The acting is very good, especially Warren Beatty, who brings a slight charm and full on eccentricity to a personality that was already viewed as eccentric. The love story between Lilly Collins and Alden Ehrenheich is underdeveloped, to say the least. And, also, the chemistry was not that good. Warren Beatty tried to show us a piece of the Hollywood life and style thru the eyes of Howard Hughes, but the execution was rather poor. I did not like the movie and I cannot recommend it. 5.5/10


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