Battle Royale (2000) Movie Review

Battle Royale (2000) Review

Hi guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I'm reviewing the coreean movie that inspired "The Hunger Games" and another romanian title. So let's start with this one. This is the movie that inspired "The Hunger Games" movies and this is how the first entry in the "Hunger Games" franchise should have been. You get right into the action from the beginning and it does not let go until the end. There are some tense, emotional and slower moments thru out all of the mayhem and deaths. The movie gives you a controversial and visceral look at adolescence peppered with teen melodrama and the decisions of life and death. Of course, the movie cannot be taken seriously and the few emotional moments don't really tug on your heart strings but, the way they combined action with drama, makes this an enjoyable movie to watch. And, over the years, it became a cult movie. So you can definitely give this a try. There is a sequel but I strongly recommend not seeing it. Because everything that was good about the first one has vanished from the second movie. 8.1/10

So that is my review of "Hunger Games: Coreean Version". What did you think of it? Did you liked it? Leave a comment.


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