The Lego Batman Movie (2017) Movie Review

The Lego Batman Movie (2017) Review

Do you remember "The Lego Movie" from 2014? That was an awesome movie, funny, family friendly and beautifully animated. Well, this one is more of that with a great in action. And I can say that this is the best Batman movie since the "The Dark Knight" trilogy. It's beginning reminded me of "Deadpool" because, from the very start, you can see that the movie is going to be great. And, like Deadpool, this version of Batman pokes fun at all the other incarnations of the character and some other movie cliches. It has more action that I expected, it's very funny, excellently animated and the movie is proof that the movie industry has no limits in what thay can make. You have all of the villains from the Batman comics with some other villains as well. The voice acting is full of talent with Will Arnett leading this pack. It has some emotional parts as well and it blends nicely with the story. And we get to see a sensitive part of Batman, which I found it very relaxing. I said that the action is greater that I expected but it is also without violence, it has a family friendly feel, so kids can enjoy it. And adults. It's a movie for the entire family. Even your grandparents will enjoy it. Overall, the movie keeps the Lego franchise on the right track and I cannot wait to see what they do next with "The Lego Ninjago Movie" that comes out this September. A very good movie experience! 9.5/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Tomorrow, no reviews because I am re watching "Underworld: Blood Wars" and that review is already posted. Tune in on Tuesday. Take care and keep on reviewing!


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