Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) Movie Review

Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) Review

So the fifth installment of the franchise offers everything that you would expect from this series. It has great action, a nice soundtrack, good special effects and some nice CGI. Saying this, it also brings the usual crap that the series is known for. It lacks creativity, plot and character development, exposition of any kind, bad writing, an overuse, again, of 3D and slow motion and it basically rehashes everything from the previous four movies. And the fight at the beginning, which I thought is going to be entertaining and a bit longer, was a disappointment. It was just a stupid montage that goes reverse and then fast forward. The scene that Alice imagines having a family was a good idea because it gives the character a little more depth and it humanizes her. The fight from the end of the movie is awesome and well choreographed. There are some returning characters which I did not see the point but okay. It looks better than the fourth one but it's still a bad movie. But you can still have fun with it. 6.3/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Tune in tomorrow for the review of "The Final Chapter" and "Captain America: Civil War". So, take care and have a nice day!


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