Captain America: Civil War (2016) Movie Review

Captain America: Civil War (2016) Review

So this movie was awesome. Let me tell you, that this has the most excellent and well executed battle in a superhero movie to date. The Russo brothers done it again, combining very well awesome action with some political kinda thriller. So, between, the "Iron Man" series, "Thor" series and the "Captain America" series, the latter takes the golden medal. Until "Thor: Ragnarok" arrives. Like I said, awesome action, fantastic story, excellent writing and the usual Marvel humor make this movie a grown-up addition to the MCU. And, being a romanian, I liked that they ad the romanian origins of actor Sebastian Stan. The movie is excellent and it's a worthy follow-up to "Winter Soldier". I didn't quite like the villain tough but it gave us an excellent introduction to new characters like Black Panther and the new Spider-Man. And the movie is dramatic when you think of it. Yes, there is humor but there also is pain and the seeking of revenge and redemption, the concept of trust and the aftermath of loss. So, the Russo brothers tackled a lots of emotions with this story, which I didn't expect from a Marvel movie. It's a very smart, emotional, dramatic and spectacular movie. 9.2/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Tomorrow I am not going to post any review because I'm re watching "Doctor Strange" and that review is already posted. Check on November 2016. Take care and have a nice day!


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