Resident Evil (2002) Movie Review

Resident Evil (2002) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to movie reviews. Today I'm going to review the first 2 "Resident Evil" movies. And I am going to cut it a bit short. So, it's a video game adaptations and, as you know, these type of adaptations don't do well with critics. And sometimes audiences as well. This one is no different. It's loud, incomprehensive, cheesy, formulaic with some special effects that don't look that good, terrible writing and, of course, filled with violence and gore. But, unlike other more recent video game adaptations, this franchise has made a lot of money and 6 movies. So something works. For me, it's a guilty pleasure. I don't have to think about the plot with these movies, because it's stupid anyway and I just lay back and enjoy the silliness. And Milla Jovovich of course has her role and she sells it pretty damn good. If you want a movie that is stupid fun, then this is the one to watch. Even if I liked the movie I cannot give it a fresh rating. 6.3/10


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