Silence (2016) Movie Review

Silence (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! I know, I said I will review the movie "War on Everyone" but I changed my mind and I did not review that movie. You can watch it, the movie is funny, it has some crazy situations and Michael Pena with Alexander Skarsgard make an explosive duo. Think of it like a crazier chapter of the "Lethal Weapon". That is all about that and now I will review the new movie from Martin Scorsese. First of all, I don't know how this movie was glossed over by the awards. It has just an academy award nomination for cinematography. I agree with that but I don't know why this movie or it's director don't have nominations for best movie and best director. It's just baffling. The movie is Scorsese's best yet and it's a testament for faith. It has great cinematography, stunning visuals and landscapes, superb score, a very powerful theme, top notch performances, great actors, excellent direction and camera work. The movie is not the conventional Scorsese movie, full of violence and bloodshed. It has a deeper meaning and I liked how the director step out of his comfort zone, tackling the theme of spirituality, faith and the human nature. It's not his first attempt on going into a new direction. He also did "Hugo" in 2011 which was an homage to cinematography. It's a perfect movie, with a powerful and emotional story. You would think that the movie has a slow pace but it doesn't. It moves on a fast pace and keeps invested in the story. For me, I think that Andrew Garfield should have been nominated for this one instead of the role from "Hacksaw Ridge". In this one, you can feel the emotion and how the character slowly breaks and looses his faith and Garfield makes it feel so real. A superb movie and one the director's best. 9.5/10

OK guys, that is all for today. Tune in tomorrow because I'm reviewing "Split" and "The Lego Batman Movie". Take care and keep on reviewing!


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