Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Movie Review

Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I'm reviewing the next 3 "Resident Evil" movies and we start with the 3rd one. One good thing about this movie is that the action, which is impressive, takes place in a more wider environment. It doesn't feel that enclosed as the first two. It almost has a "Mad Max" feel to it. So, like I said, the action is great but anything else isn't. There is no creativity, no originality whatsoever, the plot is ridiculous, raising more questions that it answers, no character development or some type of introduction at least, bad writing which equals bad dialogue, still crappy special effects and no exposition. The little amount of exposition that we've got isn't enough. Saying all that, the movie is not a waste of time. It's fun, engaging and with some good zombie action. The make-up is awesome by the way. And we have a few jump scares as well that are well placed. Is not a good movie, not by far, but it's a improvement from the second one. 6.5/10


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