Collateral Beauty (2016) Movie Review

Collateral Beauty (2016) Review

OK, so this movie was officially panned and I can understand why. The story is sad, I give it that and the movie is well meaning but how they decided to tell the story was completely wrong. Instead of focusing only on Will Smith's character and his problems, the movie decides to switch from Will Smith to Edward Norton and the Kate Winslet and then Michael Pena. And focused on their problems as well witch made the movie confusing and the story became non linear. And the thing with Death, Time and Love, it looks like it was meant for the friends of Will Smith's character. Michael Pena was dealing with Death, Kate Winslet with Time and Edward Norton with Love. So, confusing as hell. And the ending is so weird that it made the movie more bonkers. Is cheesy and the emotion that it supposed to make you fell it's not there at all. Like I said, the story is sad but the execution made it more hilarious than emotional. Performance are great but not enough to save this movie. 5.5/10


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