Life (2017) Movie Review

Life (2017) Review

OK, this movie does not offer anything new to this genre. And you can see that it borrows heavily from "Alien" and "Gravity". But is enjoyable as hell. Excellently filmed, with great visual and special effects that makes you believe that this movie was shot in space, well acted. It has great atmosphere, thrilling tension and suspense, at times a bit claustrophobic to enhance that feel of dread and horror at the thought that you might be trapped in space with an alien entity. And speaking of, great job on designing the alien. It's not xenomorph but it is terrifying. And good job on not making this 3-D. Because all those spins and camera angles can make you dizzy. Not a very good job on naming the alien. I mean, Calvin is the best they could come up with? A bit of a lack in character development and the music was a bit off in some scenes. In others it feels appropriate so is not all bad. O, and the ending is predictable which, from my part, was a letdown. Apart from all that, the movie is a great theater experience. So go and see it! 7.5/10

OK guys, those are my reviews for today. Till next week, take care and keep on reviewing! And prepare for "Ghost in the Shell".


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