Logan (2017) Movie Review

Logan (2017) Review

Now we come the the best X-Men movie that was made thus far. It is a mix between a Sci-fi and a western. Be careful, this one is very emotional for a comic book movie and it will tug on your heart strings, especially at the ending. Hugh Jackman gives his best performance in this role and offers an emotional and gritty farewell to Logan. This movie breaks every genre convention and becomes something unique. It is very violent, from the start of the movie till the end. Very well shot, with great cinematography and excellent set pieces. I said, in my review for "The Wolverine", that we got a more vulnerable Logan. I was wrong. This is the most vulnerable and broken Logan that we have seen. Patrick Stewart shines again in the role of Xavier and the little girl, who I thought she's going to be over the top, she was not. She was great and a movie about her character would be awesome. Like I said, the movie is violent, but the violence is contained. It is not exaggerated, it has the right amount. An excellent and well crafted movie and an emotional send off to this character. It's a superhero movie that makes you feel. Very good job! 10/10

OK guys, those are my reviews for today. Have you seen "Logan"? If not go and see it. It is worth it. The next review is going to be, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, for "Fifty Shades Darker". So, take care and keep on reviewing!


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