Gold (2017) Movie Review

Gold (2017) Review

So, when I saw this movie, I didn't know what to expect. I was expecting a combination between "Fool's Gold" and "The Wolf of Wall Street". And I got just that. There were also some hints from "Dallas Buyers Club". And what do all these three movie have in common? Matthew McConaughey stars in all of them. He gives a wonderful performance and the movie is not that bad. It's funny, interesting and kinda strange. But, the story is uneven and the characters are a bit underdeveloped. It's a story about ambition, persistence and the American spirit. Edgar Ramirez does a nice performance as well. The first half of the movie can be a bit boring for some but the second act is kinda entertaining. It's not as good, not remotely, as "The Founder" was, another story about ambition, persistence and the American spirit but it deserves a watch. 6.5/10


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