Why Him? (2016) Movie Review

Why Him? (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! I did a upgrade on the blog's main page and I think it's good. More of that coming. My review for today is for a movie that I didn't plan on seeing these days but I said, what the hell? What can I say about this movie is that is very funny and has a excellent cast of A listing actors. The premise is not even close to original because this formula, father vs. fiance, has been used in many movies around the years. That being said, the tired plot is uplifted with nice performances and very good humor. Ad some crazy and funny scenes and you get a sort of a good comedy. Some of the jokes are not that original and a bit forced giving you a sense that the screenwriters ran out of good jokes and they decided to throw anything that was remotely funny. But, when I see a comedy I want that movie to make me laugh and this one did. Very much indeed. Despite the over used plot, the movie is not that bad. It's great if you want to kill almost two hours. O, speaking of, the length of the movie should not say two hours. A comedy should only last one hour and thirty minutes tops. It's a nice movie. 6.7/10

OK guys, this is my review for today. Reviews are coming for "2012" and others.


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