X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Movie Review

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Review

Hi guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Sorry that I haven't posted anything these days but I am very busy with work and college. So, I saw "Logan" yesterday and I thought I should review the other two Wolverine movies and "Deadpool". So let us begin with the worst of them, the abomination that is "X-Men Origins". To be fair, it has some good things amongst all the bad shit. The beginning of the movie, with that period shot, is a very well done depiction of the violent life and past that Logan had lived till now. And it also shows the similarities between him and Victor Creed, whom is not his brother. And that is the first mistake of the movie. Hugh Jackman's performance is flawless but unfortunately it does not help the movie very much. The CGI is awful, with those stupid claws that look like a cheap video game or a cartoon effect. There just awful. The action is all over the place and not very well shot. The plot is full of cliches and very familiar. And the worst thing of them all is the mutilation that they did to Deadpool. I mean, it's outrageous. His introduction is good, there are some reminders of the comic book character but, in the end, they just sewed his mouth. He is called the merc with a mouth for a reason. No matter now, the character got justice. So this movie is a bad origin movie for the coolest mutant in the X-Men team. 6/10


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