Footloose (1984) Movie Review

Footloose (1984) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Been a long time, I know. So, today I'm reviewing the two "Footloose" movies because I saw the other night the 2011 remake and I said that I should revisit the original as well in order to compare the two. And that is exactly what I did. And guess what? I still like the original. Some critics say that the original movie does not have enough dancing and I agree with what they are saying. But that is way the original, in my opinion, trumps over, no pun intended this time, the remake. It concentrates more on the situation and the characters. For me, the last scene of the movie compensates for the lack of dancing throughout the movie. And the music is awesome. Not only the song from Kenny Loggins but the whole soundtrack. The characters and the story could have used a bit more introduction and information but, being a story about free spirit, courage, love and standing up for what you believe in, I can overlook that. Kevin Bacon is great as Ren giving the character a wild energy. For me, this movie started the whole genre of cheesy teen comedy way before "Dazed and Confused" happened. It's cheesy, it's fun and it's got rhythm. 7.2/10


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