Godzilla (2014) Movie Review

Godzilla (2014) Review

This movie wiped clean the trash that was "Godzilla" from 1998 and gave it a new face. Gareth Edwards, like he did with "Monsters". does an excellent job making you wait to see the infamous monster by showing you glimpses throughout the movie before the final showdown. And this can be a little annoying but it pays off in the end. The human drama exist just enough to not become exaggerated and ridiculous. Although the performances, apart from Juliette Binoche and Bryan Cranston, who are criminally underused, are a bit stiff. Mainly Aaron Taylor - Johnson. The action is excellent, mainly the final battle and Godzilla himself is astronomically huge. The movie is great and I cannot wait to see what Kong does in "Kong: Skull Island". And, of course, the battle between Kong and Godzilla. 8.2/10

OK guys, that is all for today. On Sunday, I am going to give you my review of the "Kong: Skull Island" movie. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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