King Kong (2005) Movie Review

King Kong (2005) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, I saw last night "Kong: Skull Island" and I thought I could give you a bonus review for the Peter Jackson remake of the 1933 classic. First of all, let's get the negative things out of the way. One of the things is that the movie is too long for what it is. I mean, it could have worked as well as a 2- 2 hours 15 movie. Being that long, it has some dull and slow moments that are taking you out of the rhythm and make the movie slightly boring. Another thing is the CGI. You can see that the CGI effects are not that good, mainly in the scene with the dinosaurs. You can see that everything is either fake or just a green screen. 1993's "Jurassic Park" has extraordinary CGI, opening the gate to this type of technology. And it was the beginning of the 90's. Peter Jackson did an excellent job with the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and the special effects in those movies surpass those in this movie. I just don't get it. And last of it is the story. It's the same story that was already told several times before. It stays true to the story but, in my opinion, that is the weakest link in this movie. Now the good things. The story has a good flow, it has good narrative and very well developed characters, equipped with all of the flaws and qualities that any person has. The action sequences and the fight scenes are very well done and shot beautifully. Another thing is Andy Serkis playing two roles. Kong, with the motion capture technology and, also, a real life character. He is the king of motion capture, pun intended. Performances are great and the spectacle that Peter Jackson created, apart from some issues, it's wonderful. It's the best adaptation of the classic tale and the classic origins. And also, it has some similarities with the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The tone of the movie, the journey, the look of the island and some of the characters. It's not perfect, but, like I said, it's the best adaptation. 8/10


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