Atomic Blonde (2017) Movie Review

Atomic Blonde (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! If you believe it or not, I'm doing this from were I work because, these days, I don't have time to do it at home. So, what did I thought about this movie? Man, I can tell you one thing and that is that the action scenes in this movie are awesome. Very well shot, edited and assembled. Plus, the action scenes are one continuous shot, with the camera following every and each move so you cannot miss anything and understand the particular scene. Charlize Theron is so magnetic in this movie and McAvoy is unbelievably good, charming and funny. The director is David Leitch, the one who did the first "John Wick" movie so you can safely say that this one is the female version of that movie and character. The fight scenes are slick and stylish and the atmosphere of the late 80's is provided, not only by the surroundings and visuals but, also, by the soundtrack as well, which is amazing and very well chosen. Unfortunately, the narrative is mostly sloppy and it does not have enough impact to really hit you, pun intended. Other than that, overall, the movie is one enjoyable ride, from start to finish. Plus, the lesbian scene between Theron and Sofia Boutelle is very hot. Short but very good. 8.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up is "American Made". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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