Blade Runner (1982) Movie Review

Blade Runner (1982) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, because the new "Blade Runner" came out, I revisited the original one but not the Director's Cut or the Final Cut. Those are longer. I saw again the theatrical version and I can say that it is a visual masterpiece, with its thought provoking themes about the human condition and what it's like to be human. It's all about humanity and what makes us human. Some say this movie is a SF but it's not. It's more than that. You can say that it is a neo-noir thriller with SF elements and a SF background. It's mysterious, engaging, visually stunning with a mesmerizing soundtrack and some great performances from both Harrison Ford and Sean Young. The movie does have it's drawbacks with it's extremely slow pace, lack of action scenes apart from 2 or 3 and a confusing story with a more convoluted plot. It takes a high level of patience to watch this movie and it is under 2 hours so I can only imagine what is like to sit thru the director and final cut. Some of you might find it boring and I can understand that but if you see this movie multiple times, it will make sense, eventually. Some say that the final cut is the one to watch but you can watch the original cut with no regret. Ridley Scott created an excellent movie, with some flaws of course but all  other filmmakers were inspired by this movie. Some examples: "The Matrix", "The Fifth Element", "Ghost in the Shell", the anime and the 2017 remake. And you can see it also in the "Star Wars" prequels. Overall, it's not a perfect movie but it is a movie that makes you think about who we are as a species. And what might we become. Undoubtedly a SF masterpiece! 8.7/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up is "Blade Runner 2049". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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