Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Movie Review

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, today it's time for the long awaited sequel to the original "Blade Runner". What can I say about this movie is it stays true to the original, in terms of amazing visual effects, stunning cinematography, great performances and it deepened the thought provoking themes of the original. But it also can be categorized as a stunning cinematographic achievement on its own. Its tough to outmatch the original but Dennis Villeneuve almost did it. It has the almost exact slow pace but, I feel that, even the slower parts of the movie, are more engaging than in the first one. If you have seen the original, you can notice some little connections and similarities with the first movie, which I thought was a great homage to the original. The performances are awesome, Ryan Gosling is amazing and, in my opinion, perfect for the role. Harrison Ford is in the movie as much as I expected him to be, like almost 30 minutes, considering that the movie is almost 3 hours long. I did not mind that, it's worth wile to stay those 2 hours and 43 minutes to enjoy this movie but it takes a lot of patience. More than the first one. Some will say it is to long but, if you liked then first one, you will endure it. In terms of answers, the movie does not give a definitive answer on the question is Deckard a Replicant? It does not answer that. I talked about the performances but the one that did not impressed me that much was that of Jared Leto. Because his character is not that menacing and he is barely in the movie. Sylvia Hoeks, who plays Luv, is more menacing and more of a villain than Leto's character. It expands this universe, this whole story, with a brilliant narrative and some extremely stunning visuals. I can safely say that I enjoyed this one a bit more than the original. It's an example, a rare example, on how you can improve an original story with the sequel. It bothered me that it raised some other questions and did not answer the most important one. And the pacing could have been a bit faster and with a bit more of action scenes. Also, a shoutout to Dave Bautista, who does a great performance in the little screen time that he has. Overall, a masterful continuation of the original story, one that can, also, become an instant classic! 8.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up, the Netflix treatment for the "Death Note". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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