Curse of Chucky (2013) Movie Review

Curse of Chucky (2013) Review

OK, so with this one the franchise returns to its roots. It took out the humor and comedy and replaced it with the good old fashioned slasher movie. It is a good change? Or should I say, a good reverse change? Yes, I can say that it is. Despite the fact that I enjoyed the change of style with the "Bride....." and "Seed.....", mostly "Bride....", I appreciated that they went back to the slasher genre with a new paint job. The Chucky doll looks amazing and Brad Dourif is still awesome. And we have his daughter as the main hero of the movie. Despite the fact that this is the 6th movie of the franchise, it is surprisingly well made. The atmosphere is chilling, we have some good tension and suspense, the camera work and direction is good, the editing is well made. The script still sucks but it is an improvement, nonetheless. It's a bit cliched, with the whole haunted house type of deal but that is what made Chucky creepy and scary. The humor is not entirely gone. Overall, a welcoming return to form for Chucky and this franchise. 6.5/10

OK guys, those are the reviews for today. Next up is the "Cult of Chucky". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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