Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Movie Review

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! First of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! And, because is the spooky celebration, I have a special review for you of a very special movie. The third in the "Thor" franchise is, by far, my favorite. I enjoyed the shakespearean take that Brannagh applied for the first movie and the second was satisfying at best but this one is just a funny and colorful adventure from start to finish. It has that "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel and I can say that it is a mix between a space opera and a action comedy. The humor is great and the movie is filled with it but not to the point of exaggeration, like they did with "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2". The action is great, the special effects are amazing and the colors are staggering. With the inclusion of "Spider-Man:Homecoming" and the second "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie, we can say that Marvel has, for this year, a very colorful and extremely funny trilogy. The performances are great, Chris Hemsworth proves once again that he is perfect for this role and he clearly the comedic talent. Tom Hiddleston once again shines as Loki but the stand out, amongst the good guys, is Tessa Thompson, who I thought was unbelievable and I would like to see more of her character in later instalments from the MCU. The villain in this movie, played by Cate Blanchett, who looks amazing by the way, is a very formidable villain and one of the best from the MCU. As "Iron Man 3" was different from the first two movie and the last two "Captain America" movies were different from the first one, "Thor:Ragnarok" does the same thing, being very different from the first movies and that credit goes to the great Taika Waititi, who voice the rock like creature, which by the way, is amazing and one of the comedic gems of this movie. We also get Hulk, who can talk and the banter between Hulk and Thor is very fun to look at and enjoy. The main negative that I can take from this movie is that Ragnarok means the apocalypse, but the movie chooses to treat that not so seriously. I mean, there are some scenes that look serious, menacing and life threatening until it hits with a joke to knock back into reality. Overall, this was a very enjoyable movie experience, I laughed out loud because you can't help it. This movie stands apart from other MCU films and sets new standards in this universe. I highly recommend seeing it! 8.8/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up is going to be Best and Worst of October. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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