Jigsaw (2017) Movie Review

Jigsaw (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Today, we end our "Saw" reviews with this new entry in the franchise which, from my part, is the third best movie of the series, after "Saw" and "Saw VI". Let me set the records straight. This new entry is not going to win any new fans or followers but, for the old fans of the franchise, like me, it's exactly what we want from a movie like this. It's not separate from the other movies but you definitely feel that this is sort of a rebirth. There is no mention or any connection, however, with the last movie but maybe, if they make another one, they will addressed there. Although the plot, again, is confusing and convoluted, the performances are less than average and the script is a bit lazy, the violence and the very inventive traps and games are definitely going to make your night. There are a few jump scares but ineffective, from my part. Definitely appreciated that they didn't use the 3D technology because, in the last, it didn't make that much of a difference. The twist in this one is half good because the other you will know that it's not real and you are in for a surprise. Overall, I had fun with this one and so will you, if you go and see it. 6.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Next up, "Thor:Ragnarok". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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