Child's Play (1988) Movie Review

Child's Play (1988) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! Because the new Chucky movie, "Cult of Chucky" is available to see online I've decided to revisit and review the whole entire franchise, starting with the first one, of course. Well, this movie works as a slasher-comedy-horror-thriller, with enough suspense and tension to make it enjoyable. Although the script is awful, the situations are hilarious and silly, the material is flimsy and there are some similarities with "Friday the 13th" it still can offer some good old fashion horror entertainment. And you cannot not like Brad Dourif as the voice of Chucky. He is, still, the perfect choice to voice that character. Plus the design of the doll is amazing, with excellent details. Being an 80's horror movie, the effects, not talking about the design of the doll, the special effects can lower the quality but, nonetheless, it is still a fun time. 6.2/10



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