Flatliners (2017) Movie Review

Flatliners (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Talks with Tudor! So, September was the month of remakes, with examples of how to do a proper remake and how not to do a remake. The first applies to the new "IT" movie and the latter applies to this one. What was the point of making this remake? It does not improve upon the original, it offers nothing new it terms of story so it's basically the same idea and concept, which I still find it great, the characters here are less likable then in the original, there is no sense of humanity to them plus they don't know jack shit about medicine, apart from Diego Luna's character. The horror elements are there but they come too late to make some sort of impact. But, nonetheless, they occasionally work. The performances of the actors are good, especially Ellen Page, Nina Dobrev and Diego Luna. Unfortunately, the script is not that good and the dialog ends up flatlined, pun intended. And the humor does not help also. Overall, this was a waste of time and money, it's a useless, pointless and illogical remake of a movie that did not need one. I call it; this one is dead on arrival! Watch the original, it's basically the same thing! Oh, and it is also a remake not a sequel as they advertised. 4.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for this one. Up next it the Best and Worst of September. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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