CHIPS (2017) Movie Review

CHIPS (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! There is a trend in Hollywood these days and that trend is to remake a old school TV Show into a movie. There were hits like "21 Jump Street" and it's sequel and misses like "Starsky and Hutch". This movie is also a remake of an old school cop TV Show from the 70's but offers nothing original in this genre. This movie misses the mark on everything. Script is awful, hence the unoriginal plot, the dialogue is horrendous, the humor consists only in stupid jokes plus the usual but and dick jokes and not even the action scenes can save this mess. Acting wise.... The movie is bad so the acting does not improved it! Fairly, there is a action and chase scene that is pretty engaging but that is it. This movie is bad and it should not exist. And it's predictable as fuck! I don't know the TV Show, I was born years and years after it but I'm definitely sure that it wasn't like this! 5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up is 2017's "The Mummy". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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