Dunkirk (2017) Movie Review

Dunkirk (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, finally, I have one of the reviews that I promised. I just done watching "Dunkirk" and, I have to say, one of the best war movies in the last few years. And, maybe, the best movie that Christopher Nolan ever made. Ya, even better than "The Dark Knight" or "Inception". From the beginning of the movie, you are immersed in the story. It picks you up and holds you until the end. Great camera work, with impeccable angles of filming and movement. He knows how to work a camera, captivating you with every image. Beautiful cinematography as well. And some scenes consist only in gestures, movement and an incredible and deafening score by Hans Zimmer. In the exact scene that the score is heard, is perfectly used to bring you the emotions of that particular scene. And how Nolan decided to tell the story, from three different angles, the beach, the sea and the air, was a stroke of genius. Yes, this procedure makes the time period nonlinear and a bit muddy, which creates some plot holes and some may not like this but I did. You get the full experience of this battle for survival, because that was exactly what it was. To survive and return home, a race against time. Plus, an excellent cast that gave extraordinary performances and a beautiful tribute for those who fought at the battle of Dunkerque. An excellent and beautiful score, superb camera work, excellent performances, great special effects and visuals and a great story about courage told by a magnificent commander. And it surprised me that the movie is only 1h40min. long, but it feels longer than that, but that is a good thing. And I'm impressed that they were able to show us that event in such a short time. Amazing movie and a superb war movie. Reminded me a bit of "Saving Private Ryan", although that one is more violent and gory, especially at the beginning. Excellent work from everyone involved in this project. Now that is how you make a war movie!!9.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up is "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets". Plus, the new changes soon. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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