Unforgettable (2017) Movie Review

Unforgettable (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today, it's time for a bad movie. A few minutes after I saw this movie, I stood on my chair and asked myself why am I torturing myself by watching these endless domestic thrillers that are bad. And then it hit me! I am a movie reviewer and it's my job to review movies, however bad or good they are, even those in the middle, just to give you, I hope, some guidance and pieces of advice about these movies. So here I am reviewing another domestic thriller, the second this year. The first one I saw, this year, was "You Get Me", which was very bad. I expect, at least, some originality with these movies, since they are so popular, but it's always the same goddamn story. Maybe there are some few changes with this one, but, at it's core is the same thing. The plot is unoriginal, the story sucks, the script is bad and lazy, the dialog is awful and the performances are less than desirable, although it has an immense talent with the cast. The suspense in the movie did not impressed me at all plus it's predictable, so it's useless. Some bits are watchable, but the movie, as a whole, is campy, with a story that is not fresh and it does not live up to its title. The movie is forgettable because there is nothing memorable about it and it's unforgettable because it was that bad. So, at least, it accomplished something. 3.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for now but, later in the evening, I will post my review for "Dunkirk". I hope so! Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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