The Mummy (2017) Movie Review

The Mummy (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, I knew, going into this, from other critics that this movie is universally, pun intended, bad and I did not have any expectations. But, man, this movie is really bad! I mean, not really bad, it has one or two good things but the movie does not work as an opening act for Universal's Dark Universe. Instead of the campy fun that was the 1999 "The Mummy", this version takes a more dark and suspenseful tone. The story lacks any emotions. The plot is flimsy, the characters barely have a backstory, the script is bad and the action has no thrills, except for that plane crash, which is a nicely done scene. I did not think I could dislike another Tom Cruise movie besides the sequel to "Jack Reacher" from last year. But even that had some good action and chase scenes plus that one scene from the beginning. I know Tom Cruise took over most of the production and writing of this movie but I don't think he is the only one to blame for this train wreck. And the mummy itself is not scary. Nor is she terrifying because Sofia Boutella looks hot and not the opposite. She does a good job but the lack of scares and horror elements lowers the quality of the movie. Plus, there are some things that don't make sense. I'm not sure which movie is worse: "Transformers: The Last Knight" or this one. At least, you expect that a "Transformers" movie is going to be bad but this one, with Tom Cruise it's main star, you would not expect this. Definitely, a rocky start for this Dark Universe. Plus, the inclusion of Henry Jekyll was only there just to expand and show us that this is a shared universe but it was pointless. It would have worked if he was in a post credit scene but, including him in the movie was a bad call. I think that this Dark Universe should have started with "The Invisible Man" because that is a more interesting story than this one. Forgot to mention that there are a couple of hints to the 1999 "The Mummy": a big one and a smaller one which I thought it was a nice thing, a good homage to that movie. 5.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, because "War for the Planet of the Apes" is coming, I will review the first two movies, ending with the third one. So, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is tomorrow. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!  


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