Spider-Man 3 (2007) Movie Review

Spider-Man 3 (2007) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! So, this is the one that ended the Sam Raimi/ Tobey Maguire Spider-Man saga. That's what you get when the studio meddles with your movie. Too many plotlines that make the movie not interesting but confusing, too many characters plus a couple of new ones making the movie a bit crowded and stuffed, too many villains that were necessary plus the transformation of Parker into emo Parker. And that dance man! Who the hell thought that was a good idea to put in the movie?! The whole scene is just awful and inappropriate. Nonetheless, there are a few things that you can still enjoy with this movie. The action is still great, the soundtrack is very good, with Christopher Young taking Danny Elfman's place and he did a really good job, the effects are mostly improved plus that scene with Sandman's transformation is excellent. A whole range of emotions just thru image and gestures. Visually stunning scene. Coming back to the villains, Sandman was enough. And maybe a little Green Goblin, which they totally mess up the costume once again, switching from Power Ranger to flying hover-board man. Venom was a disappointment, sadly. He was forced into the movie by Sony and it did not work at all. Plus, they cast Topher Grace for the role. Big mistake. He is a good actor but this was a miscast. Tom Hardy, however, is perfect for the role in the upcoming "Venom" movie. And the part with the symbiote bonding with Peter was poorly handled. Instead of becoming a gritty and dark character, because the symbiote brings out the worst in people, he became a freaking douchebag. It's not a bad movie as a whole but it is the worst in the series. And it's a shame because I would have wanted to see how Sam Raimi will continue the story. 7/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, the reboot, "The Amazing Spider-Man". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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