Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Movie Review

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today it's ape time again with the second entry in the rebooted franchise, which I liked a bit more than the first one because it amps the emotional and quality of this series. Matt Reeves takes the reigns from Rupert Wyatt and does an amazing job. The character of Caesar that was introduced in the first movie gets more exposition and more screen time. The main theme of the movie is family and we see a correlation between Caesar and Malcolm because both of them want to protect their family, so that link between them and the goodness that resides into Malcolm's soul and his family reignites that trust for humans that Caesar lost in the first movie. And there is another correlation between Caesar and Koba, who are complete opposites. Caesar saw that humans can be good but Koba saw only the worst part of what humans are and that is why he turns on Caesar. And to see that dynamic unfold between these three characters is amazing. The character development that was already excellent in the first movie is elevated in this one. And that is why I like this one a bit more. Another great beginning, which, and this in only my opinion, is in contrast with the beginning of the first movie, when the apes where the hunted. Here is reversed. And that plays out throughout the movie, apes being the hunters and humans being the hunted. So smart and so subtle the script is, the story is expertly connected and told, the action is amazing and the performances are, once again, top notch. The apes are the main focus in this movie, humans being side lined but still important to the story. One thing that bothered me was that we did not find out what happened to Will. A small hint and I would have been satisfied. A wonderful movie, with amazing characters and an emotional story about family, sacrifice and protecting your own. 9/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Tomorrow will be "War for the Planet of the Apes" and maybe the Tim Burton movie, as a bonus. Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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