Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Movie Review

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today it's monkey time. Or ape time, more accurately! It's the first movie in the rebooted franchise. I'm not sure what to say about this movie that has not yet been said. Rupert Wyatt does an amazing job with the direction of this movie and the direction he chose to begin the story. An amazing story by the way, well putt and well crafted. The script is very good, plus the special effects are amazing. The apes look so real. From the very beginning of the movie, you side with the apes because the humans in this movie, their only goal is to make money, with a few exceptions. They don't care about the repercussions. And when all hell breaks loose, in the amazing and very intense third act of the movie, they do not assume their mistakes, as a result of messing with mother nature. It's never a good idea to do that. I mentioned that there are a few exceptions, in the human department, one of them being James Franco's character, who adopts Caesar. And it was really emotional to see these two different species form a bond. Will's intentions were good but we all know what is the deal with good intentions. All the bad things in the world were made with good intentions. To see that bond between Will and Caesar slowly breaking, when Will leaves him in the animal shelter and to see the look on Caesar's face, the sorrow, the hurt, it's heart wrenching. And that is all because of Andy Serkis. He does an amazing job by capturing the full range of Caesar's emotions just thru movement, gestures and facial expressions. There is no doubt that Andy Serkis is the master of motion capture. The other actors did a very good job also, James Franco, John Lithgow, Tom Felton, Brian Cox and Freida Pinto. One small thing that bothered be a little bit is that some of Caesar's ideas and plans seem a bit hard to believe. I know, he has increase intelligence but some of the things that he does are uncanny, to say the least. Plus, you don't need some action scenes to keep you invested in the story. You are already invested because the story is very good and it builds up really well to the explosive conclusion. And, one pivotal scene is when Caesar speaks. And that was the moment when he had enough of the persecution. A great scene. Very spice chilling. Overall, an excellent start and a breath of fresh air into this long lasted franchise. 8.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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