The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Movie Review

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I will talk about both of the "Amazing Spider-Man" reboot. Let's begin with the first one that, because "Spider-Man 3" was a bit of a letdown, exists. You will find the story very familiar because it's retracing almost every step and plot point from the 2002 "Spider-Man", with some minor differences. The cast is all but new and a great cast it is. Andrew Garfield is no Tobey Maguire but he brings a sort of coolness to the character, a rebellious state. And his performance is great plus his chemistry with Emma Stone, who also elevates the character that was roughly introduced in "Spider-Man 3", is excellent and very real because they did also date in real life and that really helped. The character of Curt Connors, who in the other movies was introduced just as a teacher, is the main villain in this one. A good villain and the CGI of the Lizard is great. The humor is present more in this one, mainly from Spider-Man himself who cracks jokes on every occasion, mostly, but it's not exaggerated. The action is great, mainly that swinging from crane to crane, the special effects work, sometimes it felt like you were in a video game. The difference between this and the first "Spider-Man", story wise, is the focus on what happened to Peter's parents and how it affected and still affects Peter's life, which I liked. If you look past the well known origin story and familiar plot, you can still enjoy this movie and be satisfied with what this movie is. It's got emotion, heart and thrills. Plus a new theme song that did not disappoint. Plus, nice design on the costume! 7.5/10



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