Movie Reviews Announcement


Hello guys and welcome back! As I said, earlier this day, I will make an announcement to tell you about some changes about the blog and the reason why the review from today is the last one for a while. So, tomorrow I am going on vacation to Kavala in Greece and I will return towards the end of the month. When I do, I will post my reviews of "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" and "Dunkirk" plus some other movies. The second bit is that, beginning with August, the name of the blog is going to change from "Movie Reviews with Tudor" into "Tudor Does Movies". I'm changing the name because, also from August, I will have another topic of discussion on my blog called "Best and Worst of the Month", where I will give you my best and worst movie from the previous month, for example in August I will give you my best and worst from July. Movies that I saw in the movie theater or at home but, specifically, from 2017. And my thoughts on why I choose them. So that is my big announcement for today. Tune in at the end of July for my reviews for "Valerian" and "Dunkirk". Until then, take care, have a great vacation, those of you that have vacations and keep on reviewing!


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