The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Movie Review

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Review

Well, this time they stroke out at two. This movie had the same problems as "Spider-Man 3". It is, basically, the same movie. It has the exact same faults. Stuffed with too many plot lines and stories and an overabundance of characters that were forced into the main story and not fully developed. Put there only the set up the "Sinister Six" movie, which, I think, would never be made. It was pointless and a bad move from Sony. Why did you need Rhino? He appears only in the beginning and at the end, with no impact whatsoever. Why do you have Felicia a.k.a Black Cat when she is very little in the movie? Plus that stupid illness that the Osborns have, that will turned them into a real Green Goblin? Where did that came from? Do we really need another Harry Osborn becomes Green Goblin and fights Peter again? No we don't because we've already seen that. The action is great, the special effects are awesome and the cast did a very good job but the movie is overcrowded with too many stories that we did not need and too many characters that bring nothing new to the story. Jamie Foxx was OK as Electro but he is to generic as a villain but I liked the new look, more natural, for the Green Goblin. And Rhino is just there to set up a universe that did not even begin. And don't get me started with the stupid ending. That is the main reason I despise this movie and Marc Webb. You don't end a movie like that, especially a comic book movie. At least they showed us an iconic comic book moment with the death of Gwen Stacy. Props to that! Overall the movie was a disappointment and nothing more. 6.2/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, the new and improved "Spider-Man: Homecoming". Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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