Spider-Man 2 (2004) Movie Review

Spider-Man 2 (2004) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! With this movie, Sam Raimi follows in the footsteps of James Cameron with "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" and Bryan Singer with "X2". With this, I mean that he improved everything from the first movie. The story, the villain, the emotional focus, the action, the characters and, overall, the whole movie. The emotions are bigger in this one and the character study as well, mainly the hero and the villain. Both of them confronts loss in this movie but, in the end, they find the hero inside of them. Plus, if you look closely and remember the first movie you will see two scenes that are in contrast with two scenes from the first one, involving Peter Parker. And I think that this is brilliant. The villain is more complex in the second movie because we was a good man that was turned into a criminal by experiencing loss but, eventually, that good side emerges for one last time. Peter Parker is also more complex in this one, juggling his personal like with the commitment of being Spider-Man. And all those emotions are the reason why he looses, temporarily, his powers. Though the hero inside of him still remains throughout the movie, which is admirable. A great sequel which can stay up alongside "Terminator 2", "Aliens", "X2" and "The Dark Knight", to mention a few sequels that surpassed the original. Plus, I liked the theme song slightly changed, the opening which showed a resume of the first movie and the effects are a bit improved but still obvious. 9/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Next up, "Spider-Man 3". Uffffffffff! It's gonna be tough! Until then, take care and keep on reviewing!


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