To The Bone (2017) Movie Review

To The Bone (2017) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! This is going to be my last review for a while and I will tell you the reason in my announcement that I will be posting later this day. So, this movie tackles a very sensitive and emotional problem, anorexia. Mainly on women. It tackles the subject in a way that is both insightful and inspiring. Some publications criticized the movie on being uninsightful and insipid but, like I said, it's exactly the opposite, in my opinion. It may bother some people, mainly with this affliction and some images may disturb some viewers with a more sensible state but the movie is like a wake up call. Just wake up and live your life, don't be a coward and choose to give your life away. And, as the movie depicted, it affects, not only your life, but also the lives of the people who love you. Plus, it's more grounded to reality when the director, Marti Noxon, said that the movie is inspired by her life and her affliction. It adds to the authenticity of the movie, making it more humane. And the humor helps a lot. Plus Lily Collins does an amazing job in this role, you can feel all the emotions that her character is going thru from her performance. Rest of the cast does a good job as well and it's great to see Keanu Reeves not shooting people for a while, though I am not against that whatsoever. I liked the movie, I liked it a lot. Emotional and inspiring! 7.5/10

OK guys, that is my review for today. Later this afternoon, I will post a big announcement so keep a look out for that! Until then take care and keep on reviewing!


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