Caini (Dogs) (2016) Movie Review

Caini (Dogs) (2016) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today I am going to review two new Romanian movies starting with this director's debut of "Dogs". First of all, when you watch this movie, you don't feel lie you're watching a Romanian film but a Coen Brothers movie. It reminded me of "Fargo" and "No Country for Old Men". It's a very gripping modern western with elements of thriller and crime movie. A superb shot and filmed revenge story that, although it does not offer anything new and you don't know the whole story not even at the end, makes you curious and invested in the story. The word and the title of the movie has a double meaning in this scenario. Although the canine element is present and I'm going to open a bracket here (How many dogs do you see in this movie? Just pay attention and you will see the subtle style of Bogdan Mirica's directing.), the other sense of the word is more important in understanding this movie. The main focus here is the human element of the word "dog" and I liked how the director chooses to emphasize that part. The movie is loosely based/inspired by a Romanian novel called "Windmill of Fortune" ("Moara cu noroc") and I can see the little hints and connections to that story that is completely different that this. But, at the base of it, it's kinda the same. I liked the mystery, the feeling of suspense at the beginning of the movie and how ugly and violent it escalates. A Romanian movie like I've never seen before and one of the best in the new age of Romanian cinema. More like this one, please! And the performances are excellent. Dragos Bucur and Vlad Ivanov played beautifully but the stand out here was Gheorghe Visu. Excellent and beautiful movie! 8.5/10


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