The Ring Two (2005) Movie Review

The Ring Two (2005) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! Today we are talking about the last (hopefully) "Ring" movies. Let's start with the second one. All that was good about the first movie is erased in this generic, full of cliches horror movie. The mystery, the investigation, the atmosphere, the haunting visuals are gone and replaced with jump scares, horror movie cliches, bad visual effects and stiff acting. Hideo Nakata, the director of the original Japanese movies cannot save this particular piece. It has a dull screenplay, a slow pace that makes you wanna skip towards the end and the scenes that are "scary", they're not frightening at all. The movie is not scary. I don't understand how you get from a smart and chilling mystery to an absurd fest of bad CGI and a week story. I guess the director wanted this movie to be closer to the style and horror of the original. If that is the case, he didn't succeed. Although Naomi Watts is still a strong presence you cannot avoid the feeling that you got punked with this movie. 5/10


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