The Fast and The Furious (2001) Movie Review

The Fast and The Furious (2001) Review

Hello guys and welcome back to Movie Reviews! A little late with the reviews for the "Fast and Furious" franchise and I'm not even sure about the others but I'm going to post them nonetheless. Let's start with the first one, which was all speed and not much else. Story wise. It looks good, judging by the period of time that this movie came out, it offers very good race and action scenes, characters are loosely developed, more or less and the actors did a good job. What this movie does is bringing back the old school era of teenage exploitation movies. The movie also boroughs the main plot from "Point Break", a classic of the 90's. You can see the connections. Not much story and not as good as the later movies of the franchise are but it had a good start and it cemented Vin Diesel as a star. 6.2/10


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